10 Ways to Become the Best Version of Yourself


I grew up in a family with an incredibly strong work ethic. My father instilled the value of this in me and I live and breathe this every day of my life...

But what I didn’t realize was that this value is more than just the desire to be a hard worker. It’s about the continued desire to learn. To grow. To be something more because I want to become the best version of me. Now, don’t get me wrong. This is NOT an effort to strive to perfection.

This is actually the opposite. It’s about being honest and real. It’s about being present and wanting to grow now, tomorrow and year after year. It’s about being vulnerable, understanding who you are
and identifying your strengths.

We all want to be the best versions of ourselves, but it is so easy to self-sabotage the mission when you get overwhelmed by a grandiose vision of who you want to become.

So I say this… Take small steps. Reward yourself for your accomplishments and be open to change. Here are 10 habits to help get you in the right mindset to make a commitment to yourself. Sure it’s easy to be your #1 self-destructive enemy, but you can also be your own best advocate.

1. Stop Waiting There will never be a perfect time in your life to take a leap and there will always be an excuse. You have the option to choose tomorrow as your “Day One” or keep dreaming about what could be “One Day”.  

2. Find your peeps I’ve realized the value of real relationships. I’ve been truly astonished by the amazing women I’ve met along this journey and the power of togetherness. Magic happens when you find people who are mission-aligned with your goals and heading in the same direction you want to pursue. The power of collaboration is truly unstoppable.

3. Words Matter A negative mind will never give you a positive life. Excitement & positivity are contagious. Believe in your mission and don’t self-sabotage or judge yourself! Focus on your strengths, what you’ve accomplished to date and set goals to build upon them. 

4. Keep Learning “Everyone you’ll ever meet knows something you don’t.” —Bill Nye

5. Cut yourself some slack So. Much. Pressure out there, no need to add to it. You deserve a break. Do what you can, if you need to pause, do so and hit reset.

6. FAIL SO. WHAT. It’s okay to fail. It’s okay to change your mind. It’s okay to learn from mistakes. Every great leader has failed. It’s the resilience you build and the rebound that adds character and helps you grow as a person.

7. Challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone A comfort zone is a cozy place, but nothing ever grows there.

8. Ignore all of the NOISE Everyone has something to say. Try not to get caught up in everyone else’s opinions because it is a HUGE waste of energy. Your tribe will lift you up by encouraging you allowing you the space to focus your energy on the tasks at hand instead of distracting you.

9. Take care of yourself Exercise. Eat foods that make you feel strong and give you energy. Your body will appreciate now, but even more in 10 years.

10. Set small goals and take action It’s easier to make progress when you make each step attainable. By setting small goals and checking them off along the way you feel a great sense of accomplishment for the progress you’ve achieved. 

careerBeth Rosen