Bringing Home Your Next Pet


When we decide to bring a new pet into our lives, we are inviting more love into our lives. While we all know its best to give a homeless animal a home, you have options of where to find your next pet. Here are some ideas to keep in mind:

Animal Shelters
Local animal shelters often have limited space, and so let them know you’re looking. You can even help out by fostering a pet until they find a forever home.

Rescue Groups
If you’re looking for a specific breed you can contact the local club or association for that breed. These groups tend to really look after the dogs and want to be sure you’re a good match for the breed.

Pet Stores
Local stores and large pet supply stores host in store adoption events. The added benefit: Knowledgeable employees will be able to set you up with all the supplies you need.

Local Veterinarian
Many times the local veterinarian will have a list of local resources. They will also be a great resource when deciding what breed might be a good fit for you and your family.

lifestyleBeth Rosen