5 Things About Tidying You May Have Missed


Now that Netflix has ignited the craze, the essence of tidying is all about what you’re keeping and finding joy

by Kristyn Ivey

At the top of the year, Netflix’s “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” has everyone forming massive clothing piles in bedrooms all around the world. The series dares us to shift our understanding of what it means to be organized, as eight families tidy their way to a new year with new joy. But, here’s what you may have missed:

The KonMari Method is all
about what you’re keeping,
not what you’re letting go of

The great thing about KonMari is that it gives you
permission to keep whatever you want, if it sparks joy. The challenging thing about KonMari is it gives you permission to keep whatever you want, if it sparks joy! There are no hard numbers or demands. Your personal joy factor for clothing, books, papers, miscellaneous, or sentimental items determines what remains in your home, in alignment with your goals and values. 

If you get stuck, lean on your vision 

Understanding the why behind your commitment to tidying grounds your spark joy decision making. Ask yourself: How would my life change if my home were clutter free? How do I want my home to look and feel after my tidying event is complete?

Your clutter may be trying to tell
you something. Are you listening?

I learned a powerful lesson after finding $300 worth of tagged clothes in my closet that didn’t spark joy. That one category showed me that I was stuck under unfinished projects, mindless purchases, unhealthy habits, and
unfulfilled career aspirations, recycled year-after-year.
I was using the act of acquiring more as a way to bury the guilt, anxiety, and fear associated with my inability to achieve true joy and happiness in major areas of my life. 

Tidying, once and for all, pays you back

KonMari style tidying requires a short-term commitment to yield lasting change. Some results are obvious, such
as having easy access to like-items or misplaced money. My clients have also taught their children a new life skill, let go of toxic relationships, and KonMari’d their way
into their dream home—all while tidying up. 

There are over 200 consultants around the world trained to help busy professionals and families choose joy. As revealed in Episode 68 of Spark Joy podcast (sparkjoypodcast.com), two KonMari Consultants helped the families featured on Netflix finish homework in anticipation of Marie’s return. If you find yourself chronically crowdsourcing or stutter stepping through clutter categories, consider investing in tidying services to help you become an extension of a home you honor. 

Photography by Martine Severin Photos