The Ultimate Way to Relax: CBD Massage

Bringing Comfort to People, From Mexico to Chicago

By Adelina Sanchez

ADelina Sanchez has been massaging since she was seven years old, so it only made sense she build her career on relaxing and bringing comfort to others. Born in Chicago and raised in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, Sanchez inherited the responsibility of caring for her seven siblings, but specifically her baby sister, Jazmin. Jazmin was born prematurely and went through about a dozen brain and heart surgeries, and it was Sanchez duty to ensure she was always surrounded with love and laughter. One of the regular therapies was regular visits to the “Curandera”, or healer, for relaxation and to put her at ease. The Curandera used special “flowers”, but years later Sanchez learned that those flowers were actually cannabis.

Upon her return to Chicago, Sanchez followed her passion became a licensed massage therapist, as well as earning her bachelors degree in business marketing. She worked with patients who suffered from many debilitating conditions, and saw Jazmin in many of her clients, as she brought them comfort through the pain that they were enduring. One patient made a lasting impression on Sanchez. The patient had been bedridden with rheumatoid arthritis and requested Sanchez use the lotion she had instead of the usual massage oil. The bottle of lotion had a little leaf on it—yes, that leaf—the universal symbol of cannabis. After researching the benefits of topical CBD and how it can help heal the body—Sanchez knew immediately that this is what she was meant to be doing.

Sanchez launched her business, Leafly Therapy. It is the first CBD massage spa in Chicago. Through learning about people, where they carry their stress, what kinds of health conditions they have, and then working to lift that weight off of them, she has seen the benefits of massage coupled with CBD. “I believe that everyone could benefit from treating their bodies with a little extra kindness, and there’s nothing better than watching a patient walk out with such a glow on their face after getting some relief,“ says Sanchez.

Adelina Sanchez is a licensed massage therapist and owner of Chicago’s very first medical CBD massage spa, Leafly Therapy. For more information, please visit