Clean Your Desk in 5 Minutes


A clean work space clears your mind to get focused on the task at hand. And it only takes a few minutes to get your space in order

by Gayl Monto

1) Take a deep breath and set your iPhone timer to 5 minutes.

2) Get a giant trash bag.

3) Put all your pens, pencils, and highlighters in a container.

4) Trash all “garbage” including junk mail, papers, all used post-its, and paper you don’t NEED.

5) File any loose papers that you know you won’t need right away.

6) Clear any unnecessary objects that you don’t NEED on your desk.
7) Make one pile of papers you need to go through—that’s ok and actually good
to have ONE pile.


Gayl Monto is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers. Learn more about her company, The Art of Organization, at

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